World Health Day 2021
World Health Day 2021 World Health Day 2021

World Health Day 2021

The World Health Day today is under the motto «Building a fairer, healthier World» and draws attention to the importance of being and staying healthy, especially in these times.

April 7, 2021

World Health Day 2021

The World Health Day today is under the motto «Building a fairer, healthier World» and draws attention to the importance of being and staying healthy, especially in these times.

April 7, 2021

World Health Day 2021


The World Health Day today is under the motto «Building a fairer, healthier World» and draws attention to the importance of being and staying healthy, especially in these times.

As COVID-19 has highlighted, some people are able to live healthier lives and have better access to health services than others.
Under this year’s motto the WHO is committed to ensure that everyone, everywhere, has the right to a good health.
Looking back at one year of the pandemic,it seems that finally a light at the end of the tunnel is more and more visible.
How valuable our health is, is becoming clear to us more than ever.
All those who help to maintain and restore our health deserve our gratitude and respect, not only in these times.
We have seen that a virus does not stop at national borders. Combating COVID-19 worldwide can only be achived if access to resources is distributed equally and fairly worldwide.

Today is World Health Day – the best day to remind ourselves how essential it is to have a good health.

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