Successful participation at EMAS Congress & 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting
  1. Successful participation at EMAS Congress & 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting
Successful participation at EMAS Congress & 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting Successful participation at EMAS Congress & 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting

Successful participation at EMAS Congress & 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting

The European Congress on Menopause and Andropause (EMAS) is the largest European congress in its field. More than 850 participants from over 70 countries worldwide participated in this year’s 12th edition of the EMAS in Berlin, Germany.

May 29, 2019

Successful participation at EMAS Congress & 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting

The European Congress on Menopause and Andropause (EMAS) is the largest European congress in its field. More than 850 participants from over 70 countries worldwide participated in this year’s 12th edition of the EMAS in Berlin, Germany.

May 29, 2019

EMAS Congress

Zeller could of course not miss this exciting conference. Under the topic “Healthy Aging in Menopause: Focus on Weight and Metabolism”, Zeller brought two renowned speakers to the EMAS stage. Prof. Dr. med Petra Stute (University Hospital Berne, Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Carsten Culmsee (University of Marburg, Germany) presented the latest clinical and preclinical studies on a Cimicifuga racemosa special extract and its effect on weight management and metabolism during menopause suggesting a novel pharmacological mechanism of action. The presentations were met with large interest from the medical community.

In addition, Malena Rabenau (PhD student) and Dr. Simon Nicolussi (Senior Medical Affairs Manager) gave oral presentations on the anti-proliferative and metabolic effects of a Cimicifuga racemosa extract on both peripheral and neuronal cells.  

At the Zeller booth, further lively discussions were held between the Zeller team and medical professionals from all over the world.



Zeller Booth

2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting

In parallel to the EMAS congress, Zeller organized the 2nd Zeller International Marketing Meeting with international partners from 11 countries.  During the course of 2.5 days, exciting presentations and creative ideas were shared between Zeller’s international partners. Further insights into Zeller’s products and expertise were communicated through constructive discussion, interactive workshops and an expert panel discussion. Social activities such as boat trip and walking tour across the historic center of Berlin rounded off the programme.  

The event successfully brought together Zeller partners from all over the world. Zeller is proud of the long-lasting sustainable partnerships with them and happy to have them as a part of the Zeller family.

Group photo with our International Partners
Walking tour across the historic center of Berlin

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