My pollen diary
There are many allergies: the best known of which is certainly pollen allergy (or hay fever). Pollen from various plants, trees and grasses can trigger hay fever from primary school to old age. The cells in your body, which are involved - called mast cells - are therefore not protected from allergens when you have reached a certain age. This is what makes pollen allergy so unpredictable.
June 9, 2020
The most common symptoms are a runny or stuffy nose, itchy eyes, a scratchy throat and in severe cases, it can lead to asthma or shortness of breath. It is very important to begin by finding out which pollen or allergens you are reacting to.
Your hay fever starts all over again every year and you probably do not know exactly which grasses or flowers are causing your symptoms. You may remember when the symptoms start, but that is not enough and the identification of which allergens you react to cannot be determined in this way. Therefore, if you suffer from hay fever, it is a very good idea to keep a pollen diary.
You should keep a diary: each day entering the symptoms and the pollen or pollens that are in the air. In Switzerland, you can find out about pollen exposure from the Aha! Pollen-News App. There will almost certainly be something similar available in your country. If you do not want to do it by hand, just type it into your notes on your smartphone. To make sure that you do not forget, a reminder in the calendar can be helpful.
Based on your notes, you can predict exactly what symptoms you will experience in the following year and when: for example, when the hazel blooms. You can then use this valuable information every year.
Now the next question is what to do when the hay fever begins?
Synthetic anti-histamines or herbal anti-allergics?
On the Pollen-News App under the heading Forecast (or the equivalent in your country), you can check whether "your" pollen will be in the air during the coming days. If this is the case and you are beginning to feel the first symptoms, you should start treatment. This can prevent the symptoms from becoming more severe.
Which therapy should you choose? Synthetic anti-histamines or a herbal anti-allergic? Synthetic antihistamines are known to make you tired and your concentration decreases. This happens because anti-histamines inhibit the histamine receptors, which serve as a wake-up agent in the brain.
Binding at the histamine site is thus blocked. The same thing happens with the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and respiratory tract. There, however, this has a positive effect and the histamine released by mast cells can be blocked. A herbal anti-allergic can inhibit the release of histamine as well as the formation of other allergy-promoting factors. Because of this, hay fever symptoms are alleviated.
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) is known for the effectiveness of its roots. These are used, among other things, for treating cold coughs and are a proven remedy for stressful conditions. However, Petasites hybridus can do even more. The unique extract with contents from the leaves of butterbur has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effect. Some of the ingredients of butterbur, especially the so-called petasins, inhibit the release of various inflammatory mediators such as histamine as well as the formation of leukotrienes. These are your body's messenger substances and they play an important role in the appearance of allergic symptoms. Reducing the release of histamine and so on relieves symptoms such as runny nose, throat irritation or red eyes.
Butterbur ingredients have no effect on the histamine binding sites in the brain. Therefore, a product with an extract made from butterbur leaves is a better solution for your working day or other activities. Why be tired all day when there is a herbal alternative?
We hope that with this pollen diary you can enjoy the summer and spend some good days outdoors. Karen Lamb once said "In a year you will wish you had started today."
So start now!
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