Announcement: Zeller will be main sponsor of PHYTOPHARM 2018
With closing of Phytopharm 2017, the next Phytopharm already comes into focus. In 2018, Phytopharm will be collaboratively organized by the St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).
July 10, 2017
ZHAW invites researchers, regulators and industry to Wädenswil, Switzerland from 25-26th June 2018.
As the main sponsor of PHYTOPHARM 2018, Zeller proudly invites attendees of PHYTOPHARM 2018 to participate in an excursion to Zeller in Romanshorn and Vitaplant in Uttwil at Lake Constance on 27th June, 2018 to get an impression of herbal medicine production in Switzerland.
More information will be soon available on: www.doclinika.ru/phyto2018.html and www.zellerag.com
We are looking forward to see you in Switzerland next year!

Organizers and main sponsor from left to right: Prof. Dr. Anna-Rita Bilia (University of Florence & President of Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)) Dr. Si Chen (Business Development Manager, Zeller AG), Prof. Dr. Alexander Shikov (St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy), Dr. Evelyn Wolfram (ZHAW), Prof. Dr. Valery Makarov (St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy), Yulia Kirschner (Director International Division, Zeller AG), Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bauer (University of Graz)

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